Heritage Baptist Church

Who Are We?
A Place for Honest Answers
Life can be difficult. We all experience that at one time or another. But we all have to admit that life can go much easier when we join others in the search for answers. Here at Heritage Baptist Church we realize that all of us are real people with a need for practical solutions to our daily circumstances. It is our belief that God has given us the answers in His book, the Bible. Please join us and see how practical God really is as we discover the answers He gives for living.
A Place for Friendships to Grow
At Heritage, the idea of “togetherness” is highly valued. Each person is able to be involved as much as he or she desires. Most like to join in with others and develop friendships that extend beyond the church doors. As you might expect, there are picnics and carry-in dinners. There are also ladies Bible and book studies, retreats, and other opportunities for Christian fellowship and growth. And our church services often find a pot of coffee brewing and plenty of neighborly “visiting” going on.
A Place for Christian Growth
At Heritage, developing “Christ-likeness” in people is of fundamental importance. That is why we offer Sunday School classes, a formal Sunday morning worship service, a Sunday afternoon Bible study, and a Wednesday Prayer and Bible study time. Worship, discipleship, and Christian growth are Heritage staples.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to glorify God through the ministry of His Word. We seek to accomplish this by edifying believers and evangelizing the lost. We believe that Christians are edified through systematic teaching of the Bible, worship of our Lord, and fellowship with one another.
Exalting Our Lord
By Teaching His Word
To Our Changing World
Sunday School
9:45 A.M.
Sunday Morning
11:00 A.M.
Sunday Afternoon
1:00 P.M.
Wednesday Prayer
and Bible Study
6:00 P.M.
Contact Information
Heritage Baptist Church
PO Box 631
1841 Hartwick Pines Rd.
Grayling, MI 49738
(989) 348-5558